
There is a wealth of information on the traditional music of East Anglia. The most recent articles written for EATMT appear here in date/season order and as they are updated they go on to form part of the forthcoming Newsletter which is sent out 3-4 times per year. As time moves on, these articles will be transferred to the Archives – Past Articles section.

If you would like to contribute to an article or indeed to information on any area within the website, we would be delighted to hear from you.

A great source of information can be taken from Chris Holderness’s articles – Norfolk researcher and musician. A direct link to his articles – the latest of which appear on this website as well as post 2015 articles which are linked individually to the website “Musical Traditions” – can be found HERE.

Please email or ring 07495 054669 to speak to the Trust administrator, Alex Bartholomew.

The Devil’s Box in the East – Fiddle player and historian Chris Holderness’ latest article focuses on Traditional Fiddle playing in Norfolk and Suffolk. Added October 2024

Just like Buses…a story of dulcimers that just keep ringing – Dulcimer finds and restoration plans – news from Norfolk musician, historian and EATMT volunteer Alan Helsdon. Added June 2024

The Suffolk Horse and its History – an article from the Heavy Horse World magazine from Winter 2018 – this article was clearly a labour of love researched and written by from Horseman and Musician Ray Hubbard…he started it in 1948! Ray turned 90 in December 2023 and we hope to feature him in a Podcast at some point in 2024. Added February 2024

Burwell Bash 2024 – With details about this year’s ticket release date and a call for Youth musicians aged 14-25 (including 4 funded places) read on. Added January 2024

East Suffolk Folk Orchestra – The launch of a new venture run by Jo Poole comes to Bungay from Saturday 27th January 2024. Added January 2024

Winter Songs & Folk Carols – an introduction to a Norfolk Workshop Day by Natasha Hood. Added October 2023

Adapting Contemporary Repertoire to the Folk Aesthetic – local musician and music educator Rich Hatton writes about his latest youth project providing a chance for more young people to get involved. Added October 2023

Doc Rowe and his Archive – The launch of a Crowdfunding Campaign and details about plans afoot to digitise this legendary folklorist’s work. By Rob Curry, added October 2023

Sam Larner – Discography – by Chris Holderness, written in 2021 for EATMT following on from his 2013 article featured in MusTrad (no. 280). Links for the article within this discography. Added October 2023

Milkmaid Molly Need YOU – A Plea for Musicians Jan Robinson puts a call out to local musicians for Bury St Edmunds based Milkmaid Molly. Added April 2023.

Where are the Fellow Who Cut the Hay? Local author Robert Ashton writes about his new book inspired by George Ewart Evans. Added in March 2023.

Accessible Ceilidhs – Suffolk musician and dancer Poppy Price-Dowhan introduces us to her new classes run in Suffolk twice month. Added in March 2023.

Barrie Askew – A Tribute Trustee Eammon Andrew has written a tribute to his friend, popular Suffolk musician Barrie Askew following Barrie’s recent death. Added in March 2023.

Remembering Bernard Hawkins – Regular visitor to Traditional Music Day, we pay our respects to this gentle musician and friend. Added in March 2023.

Plough Monday, 9th January 2023. Our roving reporter Alan Helsdon has written a report of the recently reinstated Plough Monday church service at Tilney All Saints thanks to the hard work and dedication of Nicky Stockman, Gordon Philipps and Alice Williams.

John Howson – A Tribute This is the first of two new pages dedicated to the East Anglian Trust’s Co Founder and Director. Added in January 2023. In due course we will be adding John to our Musicians Profile page with additional details about the John the Musician.

Rumburgh Morris News is a press release sharing their news of a donation made to Waveney Food Bank following a successful summer of dance outs. Added January 2023.

Hymns and Cake for Ralph a review of a special celebration at All Saints in Catfield on the evening of the 150th birthday of composer Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Alfred Huddle – the Kings’ Lynn Curate by Alan Helsdon has kindly donated this article for the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust to include in its Articles pages. Added August 2022.

Halesworth Day of Dance 2 April 2022 Read here about this annual event organised by local Molly dance side Oxblood Molly.

Bendle’s Bit by John Bentham. Recollections of a travelling salesman in East Anglia feature in this Midlands based Newsletter for Tigerfolk – formerly Traditions at the Tiger. Written in January 2022.

A Hornpipe by Any Other Name by Chris Holderness. Written in March 2021, this article appears on the EATMT website at the same time that a film version of the talk with music and stepdance has been produced. This film replaced the October 2021 planned event “The Yarmouth Hornpipe”. You can watch the film HERE (and if you like it, please do consider making a ‘ticket’ donation).

Folk Songs from the Eastern Counties – Ralph Vaughan Williams’ collected folk songs. A Review of Albion Records’ latest CD release written by Essex based musician Ed Caines.

Remembering Peter Bellamy 30 years on with contributions from David Bartlett, Paddy Butcher and Alan Helsdon

Puppetry by Greg Pallone

Laura Cox’s Song Book by Alan Helsdon

Harry, Holt & Harmony by Alan Helsdon

Summer 2021

Reintroducing Jig Dolls to the Netherlands by Martin Judkins

What We’ve Been Up To Catching up with The Howsons

New Holt Bookshop Author Event

Remembering Walter Pardon  25 years on

A Life in Folk by Pete Jennings

Remembering Harry Cox  50 years on

Steve Dumpleton

Spring 2021

Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival by Bruce Lindsay – Review by Chris Holderness

The Sea Shanty and its East Anglian connections by Debbie Jones, Harwich Shanty Festival

EATMT team up with the Burwell Bash

Remembering Geoff Roberts by Damien Barber

Step Your Way  with Miss Gayton’s Hornpipe

A Hornpipe by Any Other Name with the link to a film created from this article. By Chris Holderness

A Vibrant Tradition By Chris Holderness

The Best of the Bunch – a discography of Walter Pardon’s recordings 25 years on. By Chris Holderness

The Broads Bros By Chris Holderness

Two Sides of the Same Coin – collecting Musical Memories in Norfolk by Chris Holderness

˜When I sing a song, my mind is on it“ a discography of Harry Cox 50 years on by Chris Holderness

Autumn/Winter 2020

East Suffolk Country Band with contributors from far and wide

When Ivy and Albert met Sally by Sally Barrett

Recollections of Ruth Askew in the Blaxhall Ship a plea from John Marshall-Potter

Summer 2020

Oral Traditions by Neil Lanham

East Suffolk Country Band Preview

Spring 2020

Funding news 2020-2021

Mindful Morris for Mayday 2020 by Rita Gallard

Ian Prettyman

Chris Morley
