The start of a new financial year is usually full of hope and trepidation. This year, like many of us, it’s more trepidation and then hope, and so we are extremely grateful to the following providers who have already shown their support for this coming year.
Friends of the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust
Your annual donation (plus for many the additional Gift Aid we can claim back) makes up 1/3 of the Trust’s income. We are very grateful for your continued annual support.
All Singing, All Dancing Friends
Friends’ membership plus some more. Thank you.
Annual Supporters
When the Trust put up the joining fees several years ago, some people cancelled their annual standing orders, some adjusted and others just continued to add to the pot by leaving things as they were. We are grateful that you did just leave things as they were because truly every penny counts!
We are also thankful for our continued support from Stowmarket Town Council and also Mid Suffolk/Babergh District Council.

We are also very grateful to two new funders for this forthcoming financial year. These are both Suffolk based Charitable Trusts:
Alfred Williams Charitable Trust
The Scarfe Charitable Trust