We celebrate the Traditional Music, Song, Dance and Customs of East Anglia through research and projects to preserve and re-invigorate the traditions of the past.

Latest News
We give a warm welcome to Jannine Parry who joins EATMT as our Operations Manager in December.
Prolific Morris Dancer, Perpetual vegetable grower and lover of nature and folk music, you’ll hear more from Jannine as she settles in to life with the Trust in the coming months.
Vacancy Announcement
Trustees, East Anglian Traditional Music Trust
Consider joining the Board of Trustees as we head into the next 25 years!
The Autumn Newsletter is HERE
Vaughan Williams’ Folk

Our project funded by the Heritage Fund Of The National Lottery, celebrating the folk songs collected by Vaughan Williams in our region. There’s a wonderful collection of Film, Podcast and Resources appearing on these pages More…
Keep up to date HERE for the latest news on the next event and others.
Our Traditions
Traditional instruments, dance, song & story. Find out more about the East Anglian Heritage we support.
Digital EATMT
Listen to our podcast series, see film of our activities and listen to some East Anglian Traditional Music

Hire Our Kit
Hire traditional instruments or our maypole at very reasonable rates.

In The Community
Community projects, schools outreach, traditional music cafes. Get involved with our work.

Find out more about traditional musicians, meet our team of folklorists and researchers, delve into our work from the past.

Support EATMT
Find out how to get involved by volunteering, becoming a “Friend” or even by recycling old ink cartridges.

Stay up to date and sign up to our Quarterly Newsletters HERE