Stalls at Traditional Music Day

Set in the Church Grounds of St Peter’s and St Mary’s Parish Church, you can find a small number of stalls on Traditional Music Day:

Local auction house will have a stall set up for the day. They are especially keen to talk to you about selling musical instruments. Bishop and Miller put on a Music Memorabilia sale several times a year so it’s a great place to browse if you’re looking for a new hobby or if you’re looking to sell. Bishop and Miller will donate their commission fee to EATMT for any instruments that are handed over to sell.

Rod Ward Violins & Fiddle Daemons

Rod Ward Violins are based in Royston, Hertfordshire. Rod is an instrument maker of bespoke Violins, Violas and Cellos. He works in conjunction with Fiddle Daemons a repair/restoration/set up company run by Jackie Sparrow

Katie Howson and Mossy Christian share a music stall during the day – expect a wonderful selection of traditional music albums to buy.

Stowmarket Rickshaw

Available during the day from 12.00-4.00pm and based in the Church Grounds.

Communities Together East Anglia are based at the Community Well Being Hub that is Red Gables which is also home to the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust. This charity is committed to reducing loneliness and social isolation across East Anglia. The Stowmarket Rickshaw is one of the schemes that this wonderful charity runs.

Join Dee at her Second Coming Vintage Clothes stall
